Wes and Lindsey
Wes and Lindsey
Thursday, February 13, 2014
The Big Day
Wes did what Wes does and started researching, but of course only crazy people write about their experiences online so he wasn't convinced we needed to go to the hospital today. "This person said they went shopping after their water broke." "This person didn't go in for a week." But I was persistent in letting him know that those are crazy people and that's not how it really is and that we are having this baby today. "Not today, I still have two more days of work!"
I called the hospital to see when I should go in and they said come in soon and if it was my water they would admit me. Of course my water broke lady! So I took a shower and packed a bag (no I wasn't packed yet) and made sure to eat a good breakfast then we headed to the hospital arriving about 8:15am, dilated 4 cm and 90% effaced.
As we waited and waited in the triage room, Wes was so ancy. He just kept saying, "I should be at work. I should be at work." We knew it was going to be several hours before our little one arrived so I told him he could go to work (about a mile up the road), but that he had to keep his phone in his pocket and he had to answer it. As I hung out in the hospital room, I was having the same contractions I had been having for months- about 5 minutes, but not painful at all. The nurses felt like I should be in more pain because they could barely even tell when I was having a contraction so they gave me pitocin (Dr said to use as needed) around 11:00am and I was 5 cm dilated. Then the pain started.
Even though the nurses estimated our baby would be born around 9:00-10:00pm, I told Wes not to plan on going back to work after lunch.
Wes held Sadie for about an hour or two because I was too exhausted to hold her and it was so cute to watch him just look at her! :)
This is the day we named her and took her home!
Watch Me Grow!
(I know this pic doesn't really fit, but people were asking for a belly pic and this was when I entered 3rd trimester. I added it so you can see my whole body.)
Friday, November 29, 2013
California Baby Shower
My friend Danielle threw an incredible baby shower for me at my house.
My friend Maren is on her third pregnancy and although she is ten weeks behind me, we have been the same size all along. For the "Guess How Big Lindsey's Belly Is" game, she measured her own belly and won! Our bellies were the exact same size!! haha
What's in the diaper??
Danielle made this adorable elephant cake from scratch! Her talent never ceases to amaze me!
I got so many awesome gifts! I was amazed at how nice everyone was!
It was such a fun shower and was a great turn-out with lots of friends!
Thanks Danielle for throwing it and everyone who helped and everyone who came!!! :)
Monday, September 2, 2013
Utah Baby Shower
My mom and sisters threw me a beautiful baby shower in Utah for my aunts and cousins. We had fruit pizza of course (my only request) and it was open-house style, which I really enjoyed because I was able to mingle and catch up with my relatives I don't get to see very often.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Hollywood and Keane
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
We spent the first couple months of the year flying out to different states to visit orthodontic practices.
American Orthodontic Convention in Oahu
Washington DC
Went through the AZ temple with Whitney
Wes' Graduation
Cross-country trip from KY to CA
Moved into a house in sunny California with a pool
Sisters' Retreat Farmington, UT
Surfing, hiking, and bike riding in Orange County
4th of July Huntington Beach
Kami's visit and Magic Mountain
Mormon Battalian Visitors' Center, USS Marine, Haunted Hotel Del Coronado, Mexico border in San Diego
Sea World
Annual Cousin Swim Party
Sequoia National Park
BYU Education Week
Lake Powell
Kern County Fair
We're having a baby!!!
Pismo Beach
Invisalign Summit Las Vegas
Thanksgiving in Utah
Extended Family Christmas Party
Christmas Morning Beach Walk
Flight to Catalina Island
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